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3 Tonewoods That Will Grab Your Ear
Jordan Rocksmith
If youre new to the world of guitars, you might enjoy a little bit of help in understanding what you are buying. There are many guitars in the world, and you might be curious why some guitars cost thousands when other only cost a few hundred dollars.
Some people have the conception that guitars are purchased only on account of their looks, and thats partially true. Many people do buy guitars simply based on how they look. There are some guitar manufacturers that have definitely shifted their business toward making attractive guitars and investing less in quality, tone, and craftsmanship. But it is important that every instrumentalist find an instrument that sounds excellent to their ear.
If you go to a guitar shop, you will immediately notice that every instrument has a voice of its own. Now, they might not all sound good, but they will sound unique. When you are shopping for guitars, you should try a wide variety of them. If you notice a kind of sound that you love coming from a guitar, you might want to ask the employee there what else sounds similar.
After dialing in on what sound you want, you might start to notice similarities in the construction of these instruments. If this happens, you might want to take note of what these instruments are built out of.
Guitar players around the world all know the feeling of finding the guitar of their dreamsand then cringing when they turn over the price tag. Not everyone has a lump of money on hand that they can spend on a guitar. Fortunately there is a solution: it is easier than ever to build a guitar of your own. The resources, information, and guidance that anyone could need to build a guitar can be found easily online. Cook Woods and other distributors make getting the necessary materials delivered right to your door an easy and affordable option.
When you build your own guitar, you could potentially save thousands of dollars and still have the guitar of your dreams. The defining characteristic in any guitar is the wood or woods that are selected for the neck and body of the instrument. Here are three great tonewoods that you might want to consider using in the build of your guitar.
Indian Rosewood
Brazilian Rosewood has historically been the most valued tonewood in the market. Unfortunately, the high value of this wood led to overharvesting and damage to the Amazon rainforest. Since that time, Brazilian Rosewood has been outlawed. Some guitar makers, or luthiers, have stockpiled Brazilian Rosewood, but it is almost impossible to find on the market.
Because of this, Indian Rosewood has established itself as the most desired tonewood, particularly for acoustic instruments. This wood has excellent, balanced mids, but also leaves room for a bright and sparkling treble range. Indian Rosewood is also excellent for bass frequencies and can give a rich body to the tone of any instrument.
Ash is a popular wood for guitars as well, particularly for bass guitars. When an instrument is built out of ash, you might be amazed at its mid-range tones. Ash projects these tones particularly well and can give them a life of their own. The Fender Jazz bass is traditionally constructed out of ash and helped Fender define the tone of their top-selling instrument.
Mahogany is renowned for its warm and round tone. This wood has been a trustworthy standby for luthiers for five decades, and that is not likely to change any time soon.
If youre interested in building your own guitar, be sure to work with a distributor of premium tonewoods, like Cook Woods.
There is no better place to find the latest, high quality exotic hardwoods than
Cook Woods
! Based near the beautiful forests of Klamath Falls, OR, Cook Woods has been helping woodworkers and craftspeople from all over the world find the exotic woods they need for art gallery pieces, fine furniture, guitars, and more.
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3 Tonewoods That Will Grab Your Ear}